Monday 6 October 2008

Tokyo Jihen

baru bisa nulis lagi..setelah perjalanan yang melelahkan dan malas saya ceritanya
jadi gw abis download lagu2nya tokyo jihen (abis 3 album)

here's the first album, kyouiku. well, to telll you the truth, there's not much of differences of this album to the LAST album. sounds cool, though. but definitely needs improvements everywhere. don't get me wrong, not they're not cool but... yeah maybe some experiments would do. (all of them are so skilled though)

tokyo jihen-kyouiku

now the second album. adult (to show their maturity?). not much differences from the other albums (don't know why, their EPs are somewhat..different...). but, this is my favourite album though...yeah, just like the title says, they've became

tokyo jihen-adult

and finally, the third album (hey,they still have 5 EPs more!). not much of diferences, except shiina ringo doesn't make any music in this album.yep your eyes serve you right, she only make lyrics for about two songs (i forgot). still, it doesn't make much difference,though. the ggod thing is, it doesn't matter which album you hear, it serves your ear well. the bad thing is, when you decide to go on a 3-album marathon (or plus the 5 EPs?)...hmm...maybe you'll just stop at the "adult" and maybe change it to local artist....(tired of hearing some unknown lyrics too!)

tokyo jihen-variety

NB: all my track list are in some japanese letters!

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