Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Belle and Sebastian

sebuah contoh yang baik untuk band bergenre "indiepop", dan telah menjadi banyak panutan bagi band2 indiepop di seluruh dunia.tak terkecuali indonesia! (banyak trace dari band ini di berbagai band indiepop indonesia)

jujur gw agak telat dengerin nih band, gw baru dengerin waktu "funny little frog" keluar. dan album yang pertama gw dengarkan juga "the life pursuit"

well anyway, sangat sulit unntuk mencari cd original dari band ini (ok, i found this store on citos sells a bunch of B&S album.....for almost 200k a CD!)

so here, enjoy the downloads

Belle & Sebastian - The life pursuit (2006)
-- and you're the funny little frog in my throat--

Track List:
1. Act of the Apostle Part 1
2. Another Sunny Day
3. White Collar Boy
4. The Blues are Still Blues
5. Dress Up in You
6. Sukie in the Graveyard
7. We are the Sleepyheads
8. Song for Sunshine
9. Funny Little Frog
10. To Be Myself Completely
11. Act of the Apostle Part 2
12. For the Price of a Cup of Tea
13. Mornington Crescent

belle and sebstian-the life pursuit

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